Thursday, December 16, 2010

Too Big To Enlist?

Where the sexual orientation of our soldiers was once one of the more controversial issues facing our military, a far more significant problem with regard to their readiness seems to be their weight and level of fitness.  In recent years, thousands of military personnel have been discharged for failing to meet the military’s weight standard. 

According to current military standards, recruits under the age of 27 must have less than 26% body fat, (2 times the body fat of a man in peak physical condition) to enlist in the military these days.  Unfortunately, as lenient as it might seem, this standard is quite a challenge for young men in America.  More than 9 million Americans are too overweight to enlist.

As a result of this decline in fitness among today’s young American men, the military is adjusting these guidelines a bit.  Now, an otherwise qualified recruit with 30% of their body as fat (which is borderline obese), may enlist, but ONLY IF he can perform a basic workout AND can commit to loosing weight within the first year.  The military offers counseling, nutritional programs, and other weight controlling classes to help these men snap back into shape.

Obesity is a growing health problem in the United States, and problems finding recruits not too fat by military standards should be an eye opener for us all. Two out of three American adults and one out of three children are overweight or obese. What is more, this truly seems to be an American problem- no other nation has the difficulty staying fit and trim that we do.

Why us?

The average American teen spends twice as much time sitting in front of a television screen or a computer than outdoors engaging in physical activity than teens in foreign countries. 

Less than 25% of American high school students participate in gym class everyday.  

With all of the technology and convenient food options, we are teaching our children unhealthy habits (eating more, moving less) and creating an overweight and lazy generation of Americans.

Not only does obesity limit what one physically can or can’t do, it more importantly will impact the quality and longevity of one’s life- and weakens our nation’s defenses.

Here at Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery, we recommend two highly sought after personal trainers to help you attain the fitness level you’ve always wanted: Sage Hansen and Carin Brochu. Call us today to set up your initial consultation with one of these fitness professionals and be on your way to a more fit and healthy you! 407.218.4550

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