Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Win the Battle Against Aging! Understand Your Skin

As the baby boomer population ages, the number of products being sold to us for reversal of the aged appearance none of us wants seems to multiply like to creases we see in the mirror.

The frequency with which new products and treatments are launched can be overwhelming to consumers. We’ve all walked through the cosmetic aisles of department stores and been attacked by sales associates trying to sell the latest and greatest product to fight the battle against aging. You can’t even flip through a magazine or watch television without seeing a plethora of products that always seem to be just what you need. With all the options available, the question is:  How do you determine what product or treatment is right for you?  

Variables in the Aging Process

I think it is important to explain certain variables of the aging process to better assist you in your pursuit of younger, more radiant skin.  Genetics is the largest contributor to how our skin ages.  Unfortunately, we are not able to choose the DNA we are given, and therefore cannot control getting the family jowls, heavy neck, or hooded eyelids.  Thankfully we know a good, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon!

The second and third most important contributing variables 
are environmental exposures and lifestyle habits. Thank goodness these are both factors we CAN control! 

Environmental exposure includes UV exposure, wind and pollution. 
Lifestyle habits that play a role in how your skin will age include: smoking, excessive alcohol, unhealthy dieting and lack of exercise.  If you protect yourself from the sun, and stay away from cigarettes, all you have to do is figure out how to select the products and treatments that will be most effective in offsetting the aging process for you as an individual, and you will be on your way to winning the anti-aging battle!

How to Improve Your Skin

Your home care regimen is extremely important because this is done on a daily basis.  Even if you are having professional treatments, what you use at home can allow you to achieve your goals more quickly, and possibly prevent you from the eventual need for more significant intervention.  

One of my first recommendations when trying to find the right product, is to steer clear of the cosmetic counters and find a Paramedical Aesthetician.

 A knowledgeable Paramedical Aesthetician can play a key role in helping with your home care and fighting the battle against the aging process. Not only will she educate you on the best skin care products and regime for your skin, but she can also devise a treatment plan to help reverse the signs of the aging process while enhancing and improving the youthfulness of your skin.  

It is much easier (and less expensive) to prevent than to correct.

You may be thinking that this sounds like a costly venture, but most of the time you can spend more at Lancome and Estee Lauder for products that may only contain ingredients with half the potency and efficacy a medical grade product can offer! 

My second recommendation when choosing a product is to look for specific ingredients.  Products that contain antioxidants, growth factors, peptides and/or polyphenols are clinically proven to stimulate collagen production, minimizing fine lines & wrinkles and ultimately producing skin with a firmer, tighter appearance.  It is important to realize that most over the counter products are either simply “feel good” products, which will not actively cause change in the skin, or have such a low concentration of the active ingredients (in order to be sold over the counter) that it would take a very long time to see the improvement you are looking for.

Medical grade products will have a much higher concentration of the active ingredients, making it possible to see the improvement you desire much faster (and ironically, with less expense over time). Because the active ingredients are founding higher concentration, these products do require a visit to your Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or Dermatologist.

Finally, and I cannot say it enough- SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN, SUNSCREEN.  Choose a daily moisturizer with an SPF 30, this will save you an extra step and becomes a part of your morning routine. 

In our Orlando, Florida Plastic Surgery and Skin Care Center, we emphasize the importance of skin care education and can create a daily regimen of medical grade skin care products appropriate for your skin type and concerns. Whether you are in your 20’s or 60’s, it is important to find the right Paramedical Aesthetician that can help you capture your skin’s radiance. If you have questions about your skin care or would like to have a better understanding of how you could look your best, please contact me- I would love to help!

Amanda Chapman, Paramedical Aesthetician

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