Monday, August 2, 2010

The Zeltiq Diaries: What to Expect During the CoolSculpting Procedure

A Look Inside Sarah’s CoolSculpting Experience:

Doesn’t it always seem that no matter how much you diet and exercise, there are ALWAYS a few stubborn pockets of fat that you just can’t seem to get rid of? Now there is a permanent solution - Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq! Cool Sculpting is the latest breakthrough in science and technology that has proven to freeze fat cells – eliminating those unwanted fat bulges…permanently!  Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery is now the ONLY provider in Central Florida to perform this amazing procedure!

Today, I sat down with Sarah, the first patient in Central Florida to have the Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq procedure. Sarah gave us the scoop on what to expect when undergoing Cool Sculpting treatments!

Amy:  “Most of us have areas on our body that could use a little improvement, what made you seek out Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq?”
Sarah:  “I had been working out and dieting for about a year and no matter what I did, my love handles just would not go away! When I heard that Cool Sculpting was an alternative, non-invasive way to get rid of fat, I had to find out more about it!”

Amy:  “How did you know that you would be a good candidate for Zeltiq?”
Sarah:  “After booking a complimentary consultation with Dr. Soto, he performed an examination on my areas of concern and told me that I would be a great fit for this procedure.

He explained to me that the ideal candidate would be someone who is fit, but has stubborn areas that are hard to eliminate despite rigorous dieting and exercise. The procedure would be great for treating love handles, back fat, or a little tummy pooch. This would NOT be a good solution for someone who may be overweight - a tummy tuck or liposuction would be a better procedure to obtain more dramatic results or to tighten the skin.” 

Amy:  “Did you need any pain medication during the treatment?”
Sarah:  “No, there wasn’t a need for ANY medication.  It was a non-invasive, pain-free procedure – this was the main reason I was so interested in Zeltiq! 

Amy:  “What did you experience during the procedure?” 
Sarah:  “The initial suction was a little uncomfortable, but painless.  I felt my skin gradually turn colder, but it was very tolerable.  After approximately 7 minutes, the treatment area was numb, I couldn’t feel much in that area for the rest of the treatment.”

Amy:  “Having any kind of procedure can be a little stressful, did you experience any nervousness prior to the treatment?”
Sarah: “Yes, I was slightly nervous. I didn’t know what to expect, and this procedure is also fairly new.  I felt much better after consulting with Dr. Soto - a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.  He reassured me that Cool Sculpting was very safe and there were zero complications among the 10,000 patients involved in the clinical studies that were performed. I also knew that if for some reason, I was unhappy with my results, Dr. Soto would be able to fix it, because he is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.”

Amy:  “Most cosmetic procedures consume your whole day, how long did your treatment take?” 
Sarah:  “My procedure lasted ONLY two hours.  One hour for each beloved handle!  The length of the procedure depends the number of areas being treated. After consulting with Dr. Soto, he advised which areas would benefit the most from Cool Sculpting."

Amy:  “How were you positioned and what did you do during the treatment?
Sarah:  “I was lying down on my side, making sure to hold still so that the applicator stayed in place.  It was so comfortable that I could’ve read a book, watched a movie or even listened to my I-pod!

Amy:  “How did you feel and what did your skin look like after the applicator was removed?
Sarah:  “After the Cool Sculpting applicator was removed, Dr. Soto massaged the treated area for a few minutes.  This felt slightly uncomfortable because the skin was still sensitive.  The treated area was red and raised, it looked like a stick of butter, but the redness and swelling resolved after about 45 minutes.”

Amy:  “The great thing about Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq is that there is zero downtime after the treatment, was this true in your case?”
Sarah:   “Yes, absolutely! Initially the treatment area was numb and tender, within an hour my skin felt back to normal again. I went home, cooked dinner, and could’ve even worked out if I wanted to!” 

Amy:  “What kind of maintenance is required to keep your results? Will you need to have any follow up treatments?”
Sarah:  "I will continue my normal diet and exercise regime, but 20-25% of the fat cells in the treated area were frozen away and will be gone forever! In 4-6 weeks, I will start to see my results and will consult with Dr. Soto to see if any additional cycles will be needed.”

Amy:  “Today is the second day after your treatment, are you experiencing any soreness?”
Sarah:  “Both of my sides feel just as they did before I had the Cool Sculpting procedure.“

Amy:  “When can you expect to notice results? Can you tell a difference now?”
Sarah:  “Well remember, it has only been a few days since my treatment, so I can’t see the results just yet!  I should start noticing a difference in my shape within 4-6 weeks.  That is how long it takes for the body to get rid of the dead fat cells - I know it’ll be worth the wait! Bye, bye love handles!”

Amy:  “Well, I’m very excited to see your final outcome within the next few months!  Be sure to keep us updated with your progress!

If you are interested in learning more about how Cool Sculpting by Zeltiq can freeze away your unwanted fat, call our Orlando, Florida Plastic Surgery, Skin Care and Hair Restoration Center to schedule your complimentary Zeltiq consultation today! 

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