These are the some beautiful designs of salwar & kameez, Hot models showing the top designes of salwar kammez.I also like to see a girl in salwar kameez , not in others.Sorry, but its my thinking.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Botox To Go!
Imagine being able to order your Botox injection on your lunch break! New Botox boutiques are already thriving in cities like N.Y.C and L.A. for beauty minded people on-the-go! Patients seem to enjoy their hassle free Botox quick fix because it is so fast, easy and convenient. They can stop in during lunch break or after work to de-wrinkle their worries away! However, the question is…”Is this putting the patients safety at risk?”
Last week the first walk-in Botox Boutiqe, Luxxery Express, was launched in D.C with celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Hakki behind it all! These new cosmetic walk-in clinics allow you to get your Botox and filler fix with no appointment necessary!
With no surprise, these cosmetic clinics are raising some critics pun intended! Many core practitioners believe Botox boutiques will negatively impact the profession because of the lower quality of care for patients. Instead of safety being a priority, getting patients in, out and on their way appears to be the main concern.
Though Luxxery Express claims that board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Hakki will be administering all of the injections, don’t expect to receive that same expertise at many of the other walk-in spas.
There is not doubt that Botox can work wonders when it is properly administered. However, it is important not to under estimate the need for a highly trained professional who understands the anatomy, exactly how the treatment works and where the proper injection sites are located.
Due to the popular demand of Botox, many untrained providers are performing injections, therefore its important for the patient to do choose their injector wisely! After all, the goal is to look better and not worse, right?
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Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Eliminate Your Unwanted Fat...The Cool Way!
CoolSculpting by Zeltiq's new FDA approval has caused quite a buzz in many media outlets recently. This new non-invasive fat reduction treatment is used to eliminate small areas of fat permanently - with zero downtime!
Watch a LIVE CoolSculpting treatment, as Dr. Armando Soto - Board Certified Plastic Surgeon freezes away Cassie's unwanted fat at Aesthetic Enhancements Plastic Surgery! To learn more, visit and take a look at the results as you view the before and after pictures located in our photo gallery.
Do you think you might be a candidate for CoolSculpting? Call our Orlando, Florida Plastic Surgery, Skin Care & Hair Restoration Center today to schedule your complimentary consultation! 407.218.4550.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Some Designes of Designer Aamir Adnan
Fraud and Deceit in Ads for Orlando Plastic Surgery- an Update
I am very pleased to inform our readers of an article recently published in Plastic Surgery News. Plastic Surgery News is the monthly news publication of The American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
The piece, called "Over-the-Top Cosmetic Surgery Ads, Web Pages Draw Ethics Complaints" drives home many of the points I have been attempting to draw attention to on this site and others...:
- Extreme claims ("best plastic surgeon", "Orlando's Premier Aesthetics Provider") irresponsibly endanger the public and harm a surgeon's reputation in the long run
- These extreme claims are violations of the Society's Code of Ethics
- According to the ASPS, non-plastic surgeons (e.g the gynecologists, family practitioners, ER doctors, and eye doctors attempting plastic surgery procedures) are much more prone to making irresponsible claims in their advertising because they are not held to the high ethical standard those of us Certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery are, and because as they are not Board Certified Plastic Surgeons, I guess they must feel they have to say something to distinguish themselves...
- Saying that someone else was responsible for an ad making irresponsible or unethical claims and that this was done without the knowledge of the doctor is like saying "the dog ate my homework".
- Regular readers will remember this was an issue after my original post, in which I drew attention to the fact that Elase Med Spas was running ads suggesting that the photos of the outstanding (and in my opinion unusually positive)outcomes shown were obtained after treatments at Elase Med Spas.
- The reality was that most of the photos shown were from the marketing materials used by the sales representatives of the machines in question- and the procedures were NOT performed by Elase's doctors.
- One of the doctor's at Elase called me after the post, to complain that he had no knowledge of the ad and that the businessman who owns Elase was solely responsible- and so he (the surgeon) did not feel responsible for its deceptive content...
- The American Society of Plastic Surgeons does not agree- saying, "You (the plastic surgeon) and only you are responsible for your advertising".
- This needs to be the case- otherwise there would be no limit to the ethical rule breaking irresponsible practitioners engaged in.
- I could just start a business, with a friend or family member at the helm, let them make whatever outlandish or irresponsible claims they wanted about my services in order to attract patients, and then defend myself by saying that the ads were placed without my knowledge and therefore I did not violate my Code of Ethics to my Society.
I could not be happier that The Florida Board of Medicine and The American Society of Plastic Surgeons are beginning to take these problems more seriously. I think that only by bringing these issues to the public's attention (and possibly to the attention of legislators) will the rate of public injury and fatality decline.
Here's the bottom line:
- Only surgeons certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery can claim the education and intensive training we receive over a minimum of 6 years.
- There is no short cut to this training and experience... the idea that a few days, weeks, or even months of training in liposuction makes you able to deliver the same level of safety or quality as an American Board of Plastic Surgery certified surgeon is impossible.
- It is NOT enough to ask "are you board certified?"- you must ask which board certified them to know if their plastic surgery training was legitimate.
- ALL plastic surgery is REAL surgery, with REAL RISKS. Just because there is an eye doctor offering to do liposuction on you (and believe me, the machine he is using doesn't matter) in his office under local anesthesia doesn't mean it is in your best interests.
- Remember- ALWAYS ASK: "do you have permission to do this operation in a local hospital?"- and then verify with the hospital's credentials office. If your doctor does not have permission to do the procedure they are suggesting for you in a hospital, go elsewhere.
- If you have seen a doctor who engages in these shady tactics to lure patients into their practice, ask yourself what this behavior says about them... and realize that all surgery (including lipopsuction) involves a series of decisions.... Do you think someone who engages in this kind of behavior to attract patients can be trusted with your safety and happiness? I don't.
2010 Fashion Dresses

2010 Fashion Week
Fashion Week
Monday, September 27, 2010
Indian Costumes and Jewellery - The beautiful look
These are the beautiful indian costumes & jewellery design.
Costume jewelry is made out of a variety of materials, which can be pure silver, glass beads, kundan, semi-precious stones, metal, etc.Costume jewelry has a wide array of styles and designs. You can have the traditional to the latest designs in costume jewelry. All types of costume jewelry are available in the market these days. Be it bracelets, earrings, bangles, anklets or belly-button rings it is all there. The beautiful costume & matched jewellery give you a dashing & a sexy bands scotland are the best weeding bands in scotland.
Female Swimwear designs 2010
These are the beautiful designs of Swimwear 2010 collections.Beautiful girls showing the nice designs of swimwears.The designers have designs there top most design of swimwear to females
Eyes Makeup Trend 2011 | Goddess Eyes
One of the eyes makeup trends for 2011 is a goddess style. For winter 2011, there are no colours, the key is to use black eye-liner, black coloured mascara, and matte copper or black eye-shadows, to emphasize the contour of your eyes.
Eyes Makeup Trend 2011 | Goddess Eyes
Fall winter 2009 2010 Make-up
Makeup Artist Diane Kendal used M.A.C. Cosmetics to make up the models at Carolina Herrera in New York Fashion Week for fall winter 2009 2010 collection. The models had a very luminous look.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Rumor: Kup podría aparecer en Transformers Generations

Más imagenes de las nuevas figuras de la línea Transformers Generations
Asi es mis amigos, las imagenes de las figuras de la lína Generations siguen saliendo a la vista, y no sólo los Generations, sino también los Power Core Combiners, y aquí les traigo a ustedes las imagenes para que los vean y decidan si comprar o no ésa nueva línea de figuras.
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