A friend sent me this photo some time ago. I'm not sure if it was staged or not (I would guess not- the face Jane Mansfield's friend is making as she admires/envies/resents Jane's curves looks pretty authentic), but either way it's an amazing photo.
From Jane's self-confident and bust-forward pose, to her "I'm beautiful and I know it" smile, to her companion's facial expression, it says a great deal about us all, and especially about how women's physical attributes can affect their perceptions of themselves, as well as those of others around them.
Whether these cultural ideals are psychologically healthy or not is another conversation entirely- we can but admit that most of us would rather be viewed as attractive than not, and that for better or worse, being attractive and self-confident will usually get you ahead in the game.
The pursuit of physical self-improvement is not for everyone, and should ideally be motivated by a healthy set of goals and expectations, but in the big scheme of things I do believe that we all have the right to be happy in our skin. Achieving this peaceful sense of comfortable confidence is priceless.
To those who come by it naturally, my congratulations. To those who may need some help, I say go for it!
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